Who Made Your Clothes?

Who Made Your Clothes?


Hello World!

The anniversary of the 2013 Rana Plaza factory disaster in Bangladesh just recently passed and Fashion Revolution Week is upon us. The mission behind this movement is to ignite a revolution to radically change the way our clothes are sourced, produced and purchased through increasing the transparency in the fashion industry.

We believe in ethical production & in sustainable fashion, which is why we carry the work of over 110 independent Canadian designers & makers between the shops (check them out here). We are committed to Canadian-made and believe in the uniqueness of what we sell. We also strive to connect the makers of our products to the people who buy them. We believe in promoting the fantastic women who choose to produce right here in Canada. 
We are also designers ourselves and happily play in our shop studio (visit us, our Byward Market studio is open to the public!) at various times during the week. Our staff are the actual superwomen hand silkscreening our vintage-inspired Canadiana images onto ethically made tees & turning putty into jewellery in all kinds of great geometric shapes. We are so proud of them.
At our shops, we draw a firm line on how and where our merchandise is produced and we've remained steadfast in our commitment. The last 12 years have been like a dream for us: we spend our days with strong, happy, engaging feminist women - staff & customers - who share our values and believe in what we are doing. Life couldn’t be better. 

Bridget & Christina

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