Check out our Holiday Gift Guide!

Check out our Holiday Gift Guide!

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It's Our Annual Holiday Gift Guide!

It's a tradition! Each and every year we put together a lovingly curated gift guide for all our loyal customers (and our husbands & dads too…it’s important to be specific and avoid receiving an acrylic reindeer sweater). We know that holiday shopping can be a hectic mess – so we invite you to say no to malls and yes to shopping the ‘hood with us this season! 

This is about more than the feel-good feeling you get when you support local artisans. Purchasing is an important part of growing and sustaining a local economy that feeds into all kinds of real-life tangible benefits for all of us. A number of research organizations have been looking hard at the Buy Local movement to see exactly what happens when money is directed to small business as opposed to multinational companies, and it is becoming clear that the fate of healthy communities relies on keeping money flowing inside communities, not out. We love our community and take every opportunity we can to give back the generosity we receive from our customers on a daily basis.

There are loads of benefits associated with shopping local, aside from the obvious: hanging out with us! For example, did you know that supporting local economies increases quality, not just in production but also in appropriateness to the environment? Our makers are you – seriously! - so you can feel confident that the mitts you buy here will serve you even in the coldest days of winter. 

Environmentally, the case is clear. Local shops require less infrastructure overall to operate. Give us a wave if you see us biking our Canadian goodies across town between shops cause we really do that (it feels REALLY good)! Our makers require way less energy to produce and transport their goods, and we also have more control over what our products are made of, bringing Canadian manufactured fabrics and up-cycled textiles your way. 

They say Ottawa is boring, but we've got all kinds of eclectic 'hoods to prove them wrong. We love all corners of Ottawa, especially those days spent wandering our older neighbourhoods, chatting with our neighbours and taking in the sights and sounds of families enjoying our City. 

And so here it is! Spare yourself the crowds and mall music this year and spend a day with us picking out unique gifts for your loved ones - you won't regret it.


The Ladies of Workshop & Flock
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